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The Piece Of Java

If the name (deceased) Ki Nartosabdho, usually more often discussed as a famous puppeteer. Whereas Ki Nartosabdho also serorang maestro gendhing popular Java, and even considered a musical pioneer a new style of art (new gagrak). This has until now often forgotten.Cultural settings of social life in Central Java in the early '50s, which is slowly absorbed the discourse of modernism begins to expand as a consequence of political and social dynamics that occur post-Independence, making gending traditional Javanese, which comes on the song tradition of literary tradition macapatan Palace such as fibers or Wedhatama Wulangreh, unmatched by the emergence of the popular Java gending-gending faster familiar to the public.Gending popular Java created by Ki Nartosabdho is, in fact also a musical response as a humanist Ki Narto Javanese cultural-political atmosphere of the 'new'. Ki gending Narto as an innovator of Java, choose a populist approach the rise of pop songs as Klangenan new urban community in central Java, making Java gending popularity (which has its own fans and the portions, such as dish-Uyon Uyon show that first aired on a regular basis in RRI Semarang, for example) gradually becoming obsolete.Ki Nartosabdho who wish to remain interested in the community gending Java, was open to various possibilities that can enrich the musical discourse gending Java, with a musical group formed in 1961 Raos Lean and create a refreshing innovation. In addition to enriching the tempo and the models 'syncopation' kendangan a more dynamic - in this case known as Ki Narto even a topnotch maestro drums - he is also open to other musical colors, both derived from the West (samba) or any style of music our other ethnicities, such as the musical style of Sunda, Bali or East Java's.It is also recognized by Ki Nartosabdho gending gagrak anyarciptaannya, which include the upbeat atmosphere yangsigrak (dynamic), with a shorter duration (almost equal to the average duration of Indonesian pop songs), as well as a more poppy song, which tells about the events and experiences that are personal in everyday human life modern Java. Thus, Ki gending Nartosabdho the piece was soon marked the rise of Popular Java.Call it a title gending creations, such as Voice Flute, Praon, - that the book Gending Jawi soho Dolanan gagrak Enggal anggitanipun Nartosabdho Ki, (published to commemorate the Society Ngesti Pandowo windu 4, 1969) written under the title Come Praon, as well as other gending: Aja Lamis, Hand Sweep, Flower Glepang, Glopa-Glape or the Village Office, - became a perennial hit, which until now is still played on the radio and play - not only in various Javanese arts performances - but also brought in the rhythm of pop, or jaipongan keroncong. Voice Flute Gending even been played by Tamam Hussein and Bubi Chen the rhythm of jazz.As an artist with a warm, personal, humorous and romantic, Ki Narto also good at creating romantic gending like Aja Lamis, Mari miss, Sweep Hand, Janjine Piye, I Ngimpi and so on. Nuances of everyday people that pervades modern Java feels at Dimples gending Jumengglung, Bemo Semarang and so on. As the mastermind kondhang, Ki Narto very good at displaying a style that is alive, fresh expressions, and language iidiom bite. In the style gending Glepang Banyumasan Flower, he displays no less idiomatic language lost interest in Indonesia's leading writers, such as 'donate geni sak wuwungan, donate banyu sakuranjang'.It's the feel of the absurd when we swallow aforisma in this song about 'contributing sebubungan house fire (very dangerous) or donate a basket of water (obviously in vain because the water must have wasted all). It shows when Ki Narto really good at playing pasemon. Gending Glopa-Glape for example, which is about the animals who forget themselves, it is pasemon witty and satirical social critique greedy behavior and unbridled power lust that ultimately only bring destruction.Musicologist Judith Becker in his book: Traditional Music in Modern Java (The University Press of Hawaii, 1980) states when the ability to create popular gending gending-received by the Java community is widely make Governments then led her to create gending can invite the public to be ' active participants of development '(this is typical political terms the Government of New Order). Some of his creations such as the Census of Agriculture gending, Transmigration, Happy KB or Prasetya Panca Eka Karsa Narto also showed that Ki is also recognized by the Government as a composer (musicians) is important, even gending such as Central Java Identity creation begins with a decree of the Governor of Central Java at the time. Then uniquely Ki Nartosabdho also experienced poet and patron relations rulers, as happened in court poets such as MPU or MPU Sedah Panuluh in earlier times.Even so, when we look at all the right created by Ki gending Nartosabdho exhale a strong democracy. Artist who was born in 1925 in the village of Wedi, Central Java is more proud of his role as a pengendang and puppeteer, did a lot of pretensions to being a 'poet ruler'. Now, 24 years after his death (this Mahaputra Star recipient died on October 7, 1985) gending gending creation Indonesia still coloring the music world. Many have sprung up puppeteers famous musicians who combine art with electronic music equipment, which intends to present a new musical idiom for their puppet. But as the maestro of excellence Ki Nartosabdho gending Semarangan style, has yet to be replaced.