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Culture Sekaten Jogja


Sekaten taken from the pronunciation of the word phrase "Creed". Creed term, which is pronounced as Syahadatain is then gradually change in the pronunciation, so it becomes Syakatain and eventually became the term "Sekaten" until now.At the early stages of development of Islam in Java, one of the Wali Songo, the Sunan Kalijogo, Javanese gamelan musical instrument use, as a means to lure the public to come to enjoy the performances karawitannya. 2 was used for the purpose of the gamelan, which has a barrel that is a melodious swara Nogowilogo Kyai and Kyai Gunturmadu.On 5 months Maulud, both devices gamelan, Kyai Kyai Guntur Nogowilogo and honey, removed from its storage place dibangsal Sri Manganti, to the Ward Ponconiti Kemandungan located in the North (Keben) and in the afternoon start is sounded in this place. Between 23:00 until 24.00 for two sets of gamelan is transferred first page Mosque Jogjakarta, in a procession of courtiers parallelogram, with the palace guard of soldiers in full uniform.

The highlight of the celebration Sekaten is "Grebeg birthday", namely the release of a pair of mountains of the Great Mosque after prayers by the clergy Palace. People believe that anyone who gets these mountains, although little will be blessed with happiness and prosperity. Then the cone is contested by thousands of citizens. They believe that with a share of the cone will bring blessings to them.In general, Yogyakarta and the surrounding community by participating believes that celebrating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW is concerned will be rewarded reward from the Almighty, and was awarded the young. As "Srono" (condition) it, they must chew betel mosque in the courtyard, especially on the first day of the commencement celebration sekaten.Therefore, during the celebration held sekaten, many people selling betel leaves with concoctions, along with savory rice dish in the yard-pauknya Kemandungan, in North Square and in front of the Great Mosque of Jogja. For farmers, the opportunity is also pleading for the coming crops successfully.