Batik was originally a family tradition that fell down, so to see a motive, we know where the family of origin batik. Some batik may meninjukkan status of a person, even today, some traditional batik motifs used only by certain families.
As a cultural heritage, batik has various motives. This difference occurs because each motif has its own meaning that they can from their ancestors as adherents of animism, dynamism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Traditional batik patterns and symbols are able to maintain because it is still used in traditional ceremonies. A variety of shades and colors of batik is also influenced by foreign nations. Past, batik has a style and color is limited and should only be used by certain circles. But for coastal batik that is able to absorb various external influences such as the influence of foreign traders. Bright red color made popular by the Chinese, who popularized the style as well as Phoenix.Interest of the Europeans to produce batik patterns such as flowers Tulip Flowers, Buildings, Train Horses, favorite color blue and the other European nations.In East Java, Batik history is closely associated with the development of the Majapahit kingdom and the kingdoms beyond. Batik is known in the seventeenth century in the kingdom of Majapahit.At that batik is done by the kingdom, the results for the king's clothing and family and his followers. Therefore, many followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was brought out of the palace and the work place respectively.With such openness, batik art imitated by local people who eventually evolved into women's work in the household to fill his spare time.Batik is used only used by the royal family, eventually became the clothing of the people. White fabric at the time was the homespun, the dye was extracted from plants native to Indonesia.Weaving tradition is still used in the area of Tuban in East Java. In the book "Batik Fabled Cloth Of Java" by Inger Elliott Mc Cabe, said that by mid-century to -19, similar to batik batik Cirebon Tuban. Similarities exist in the use of batik was spun yarn and use the Red and Blue colors in dyeing processes.In the changing times, batik Cirebon undergone significant changes, while retaining the Tuban batik processing and until now still exist as batik motif known as the coastal and Weaving Gedog Tuban.East Javanese batik has a bit of difference to the Central Javanese batik. Batik Solo in Central Java and Yogyakarta inland, using color Sogan, Indigo, Black and White and a relative basis MOIF bound tententu grip. East Java has a motif Sedabatik freely without being tied to a specific grip.Until recently the East Java has a business unit of batik weaving and embroidery as much as + - 5926 units spread across the district / city. And is estimated to have a motif + - 2,500 batik motif typical of the region of 38 districts / cities in East Java .. The number of workers absorbed by the IKM Batik, Weaving and Embroidery is as much as + - 23,000 people.East Java has a recorded history of batik producers of the Sumenep (Pekandangan), Sampang, Bangkalan (Cape of Good Earth), Pamekasan, Gresik, Sidoarjo (Jetis and Sekardangan), Porong (Kedung Cangkring), Mojokerto (Kirkcaldy), Jomabang, Kediri, Terri , Pacitan, Banyuwangi, Bondowoso (headstone), Lumajang, Tulungagung, Magetan, Roxburgh.
As a cultural heritage, batik has various motives. This difference occurs because each motif has its own meaning that they can from their ancestors as adherents of animism, dynamism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Traditional batik patterns and symbols are able to maintain because it is still used in traditional ceremonies. A variety of shades and colors of batik is also influenced by foreign nations. Past, batik has a style and color is limited and should only be used by certain circles. But for coastal batik that is able to absorb various external influences such as the influence of foreign traders. Bright red color made popular by the Chinese, who popularized the style as well as Phoenix.Interest of the Europeans to produce batik patterns such as flowers Tulip Flowers, Buildings, Train Horses, favorite color blue and the other European nations.In East Java, Batik history is closely associated with the development of the Majapahit kingdom and the kingdoms beyond. Batik is known in the seventeenth century in the kingdom of Majapahit.At that batik is done by the kingdom, the results for the king's clothing and family and his followers. Therefore, many followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was brought out of the palace and the work place respectively.With such openness, batik art imitated by local people who eventually evolved into women's work in the household to fill his spare time.Batik is used only used by the royal family, eventually became the clothing of the people. White fabric at the time was the homespun, the dye was extracted from plants native to Indonesia.Weaving tradition is still used in the area of Tuban in East Java. In the book "Batik Fabled Cloth Of Java" by Inger Elliott Mc Cabe, said that by mid-century to -19, similar to batik batik Cirebon Tuban. Similarities exist in the use of batik was spun yarn and use the Red and Blue colors in dyeing processes.In the changing times, batik Cirebon undergone significant changes, while retaining the Tuban batik processing and until now still exist as batik motif known as the coastal and Weaving Gedog Tuban.East Javanese batik has a bit of difference to the Central Javanese batik. Batik Solo in Central Java and Yogyakarta inland, using color Sogan, Indigo, Black and White and a relative basis MOIF bound tententu grip. East Java has a motif Sedabatik freely without being tied to a specific grip.Until recently the East Java has a business unit of batik weaving and embroidery as much as + - 5926 units spread across the district / city. And is estimated to have a motif + - 2,500 batik motif typical of the region of 38 districts / cities in East Java .. The number of workers absorbed by the IKM Batik, Weaving and Embroidery is as much as + - 23,000 people.East Java has a recorded history of batik producers of the Sumenep (Pekandangan), Sampang, Bangkalan (Cape of Good Earth), Pamekasan, Gresik, Sidoarjo (Jetis and Sekardangan), Porong (Kedung Cangkring), Mojokerto (Kirkcaldy), Jomabang, Kediri, Terri , Pacitan, Banyuwangi, Bondowoso (headstone), Lumajang, Tulungagung, Magetan, Roxburgh.
- Culture Sekaten Jogja
- Kris meaning in Javanese Culture
- Batik Indonesia History and Philosophy
- Surakarta royal palace
- The Piece Of Java
- Mengenal Budaya dan Sejarah Wayang Golek
- History of Batik Solo
- Original Batik Pekalongan
- Sintren Adalan Traditional Javanese Dance Arts
- Semarangan dance
- Traditional Balinese Dance
- Dance Lengger Wonosobo
- Javanese Shadow Puppet Works
- Bandungan region
- Tourism Baturaden
- Gedong Songo temple
- Sam Poo Kong temple
- Hot water baths ( GUCI )
- Prambanan
- Curug Sewu
- Tourism in Central Java