From the name alone one can already guess that it uses a mask dance. But who would have thought when the dancers are dressed in traditional women were men. It turned out that the existence of man in this dance has a philosophy and specific goals. The mask dance Lengger including traditional dances were introduced nearly a century in Central Java. This
dance was originally pioneered in the hamlet of traditional arts
Giyanti by leaders of the village Kecis, District Selomerto, which Bapak
Gondhowinangun in 1910.
Further around the 60's dance was further developed by Alm. Ki Hadi Soewarno. This development makes dance masks look more attractive than Lengger dance style Solo or Yogya a smooth, even style of dance tend to look like East Java version of the story because it supposedly came from the kingdom of Kadiri. According to village leaders and artists Giyanti, Lengger derived from Javanese "elinga ngger" which means, "remember son". This dance is to give the message that everyone should always remember the Creator and do good to others.
He said that this dance originated when King UB who lost her daughter, Dewi Sekartaji, held a contest to reward for anyone who can find the princess. When the man who would become her husband found her daughter and if she is going to be brothers.
The competition is followed by many knights eventually left to live two participants, namely Raden Panji Asmoro Build disguised under the name of the Kingdom of the Yellow Flower Joko Jenggala. One again, the King of the Kingdom Klono other side of, the person who caused the blurring due to the king's daughter to set her up.
In these searches, Joko Yellow Flower with roving guards disguised as dancers who move from one village to another. The play of the dancers is a man who wore masks and dressed in women with improvised musical accompaniment. It turned out that in each of the play this dance gets lively welcome. So named Lengger, which comes from the word dancer (dancer) and ger or commotion (noisy or excited).
Up in a village, dance Lengger has attracted the attention of Princess Dewi Sekartaji of hiding. But at the same time King Klono have also discovered the existence of the princess, his sister sent Retno Tenggaron soldiers accompanied the woman to apply for Sekartaji Goddess. But that proposal was rejected Dewi Retno Tenggaron a fight broke out and won the princess.
While King Klono and Yellow Flower Joko still demanding their rights to the king. Until finally the king decided that the two contestants were to fight. In the fight, Joko Yellow Flower, represented by the Knights of Tawang Alun had killed King Klono. At the end of the story of Johnny and Yellow Flower Goddess Sekartaji married to her party with entertainment disemarakkan Lengger Mask Dance.
According to the artists of Studio Setyo Lengger Wonosobo Langen Budoyo, Dwi Pranyoto, Lengger the Hindu kingdom in the days Geger UB is a dancer (dancer who invited the crowd), had been developed when Muslim empires began to stand. Keep the Sunan Kali is a guardian figure highly in love for the arts who brought Dance Lengger as symbols of Islam.
Lengger is in progress dance had a negative connotation because it started to provoke lust packed and the audience was also used to enjoy dancing while drunk. "Seeing this condition masquerading as Sunan Kalijaga Ronggeng wearing masks and dancing Lengger, but when the audience is swept up, the Sunan Kalijaga off his mask." obviously a man who preferred to be addressed this Dwi.
In this way Sunan Kalijaga teach manners, and Dance Lengger that had a negative into a means of propaganda that Lengger until recently known as "elinga ngger" a dance that is taught to remember the Lord.
Mask Dance Lengger continue to survive until now, dance is usually danced by two people, a man wearing a mask and the woman takes the traditional clothing of greatness like the princess of Java in the past. These dancers danced for about 10 minutes with music accompanied by xylophone, saron, drums, gongs, and so forth.
Even some dance artists try to create a new dance of Mask Dance Lengger adopted. One of them Kenyo Lengger, dance studio, introduced by Ngesti barrel. According to its founder Mulyani, Kenyo Lengger is danced by five women who wear sunglasses. "The dance contains the philosophy that we as humans do not be lulled by the glare of the world of pleasure, that's why wearing sunglasses," said Mulyani. According to him, which makes the human world is asleep on the throne, women, and property.
Dance Lengger currently no events usually staged every celebration, holiday, thanksgiving, and the other party of the people. Even more attractive to the public, Dance Lengger can also present a magical attraction that smells like a horse depends lumping buyer desires.
Further around the 60's dance was further developed by Alm. Ki Hadi Soewarno. This development makes dance masks look more attractive than Lengger dance style Solo or Yogya a smooth, even style of dance tend to look like East Java version of the story because it supposedly came from the kingdom of Kadiri. According to village leaders and artists Giyanti, Lengger derived from Javanese "elinga ngger" which means, "remember son". This dance is to give the message that everyone should always remember the Creator and do good to others.
He said that this dance originated when King UB who lost her daughter, Dewi Sekartaji, held a contest to reward for anyone who can find the princess. When the man who would become her husband found her daughter and if she is going to be brothers.
The competition is followed by many knights eventually left to live two participants, namely Raden Panji Asmoro Build disguised under the name of the Kingdom of the Yellow Flower Joko Jenggala. One again, the King of the Kingdom Klono other side of, the person who caused the blurring due to the king's daughter to set her up.
In these searches, Joko Yellow Flower with roving guards disguised as dancers who move from one village to another. The play of the dancers is a man who wore masks and dressed in women with improvised musical accompaniment. It turned out that in each of the play this dance gets lively welcome. So named Lengger, which comes from the word dancer (dancer) and ger or commotion (noisy or excited).
Up in a village, dance Lengger has attracted the attention of Princess Dewi Sekartaji of hiding. But at the same time King Klono have also discovered the existence of the princess, his sister sent Retno Tenggaron soldiers accompanied the woman to apply for Sekartaji Goddess. But that proposal was rejected Dewi Retno Tenggaron a fight broke out and won the princess.
While King Klono and Yellow Flower Joko still demanding their rights to the king. Until finally the king decided that the two contestants were to fight. In the fight, Joko Yellow Flower, represented by the Knights of Tawang Alun had killed King Klono. At the end of the story of Johnny and Yellow Flower Goddess Sekartaji married to her party with entertainment disemarakkan Lengger Mask Dance.
According to the artists of Studio Setyo Lengger Wonosobo Langen Budoyo, Dwi Pranyoto, Lengger the Hindu kingdom in the days Geger UB is a dancer (dancer who invited the crowd), had been developed when Muslim empires began to stand. Keep the Sunan Kali is a guardian figure highly in love for the arts who brought Dance Lengger as symbols of Islam.
Lengger is in progress dance had a negative connotation because it started to provoke lust packed and the audience was also used to enjoy dancing while drunk. "Seeing this condition masquerading as Sunan Kalijaga Ronggeng wearing masks and dancing Lengger, but when the audience is swept up, the Sunan Kalijaga off his mask." obviously a man who preferred to be addressed this Dwi.
In this way Sunan Kalijaga teach manners, and Dance Lengger that had a negative into a means of propaganda that Lengger until recently known as "elinga ngger" a dance that is taught to remember the Lord.
Mask Dance Lengger continue to survive until now, dance is usually danced by two people, a man wearing a mask and the woman takes the traditional clothing of greatness like the princess of Java in the past. These dancers danced for about 10 minutes with music accompanied by xylophone, saron, drums, gongs, and so forth.
Even some dance artists try to create a new dance of Mask Dance Lengger adopted. One of them Kenyo Lengger, dance studio, introduced by Ngesti barrel. According to its founder Mulyani, Kenyo Lengger is danced by five women who wear sunglasses. "The dance contains the philosophy that we as humans do not be lulled by the glare of the world of pleasure, that's why wearing sunglasses," said Mulyani. According to him, which makes the human world is asleep on the throne, women, and property.
Dance Lengger currently no events usually staged every celebration, holiday, thanksgiving, and the other party of the people. Even more attractive to the public, Dance Lengger can also present a magical attraction that smells like a horse depends lumping buyer desires.
- Culture Sekaten Jogja
- Kris meaning in Javanese Culture
- Batik Indonesia History and Philosophy
- Surakarta royal palace
- The Piece Of Java
- Mengenal Budaya dan Sejarah Wayang Golek
- Batik History of East Java
- History of Batik Solo
- Original Batik Pekalongan
- Sintren Adalan Traditional Javanese Dance Arts
- Semarangan dance
- Traditional Balinese Dance
- Javanese Shadow Puppet Works
- Bandungan region
- Tourism Baturaden
- Gedong Songo temple
- Sam Poo Kong temple
- Hot water baths ( GUCI )
- Prambanan
- Curug Sewu
- Tourism in Central Java