Night life in Yogyakarta would feel if you miss it by looking at the shadow puppets. Smart gamelan rhythms are combined with melodious voice sinden will not let you fall in sleep. The story that brought the mastermind will bring you to come in late as one character in the story that was delivered. You too will soon realize how great Javanese culture in the past.
Puppet show is a performance art that has been more than half a millennium. Emergence has its own story, related to the entry of Javanese Islam. One member of the Wali Songo created by adopting Wayang Beber that developed in the heyday of the Hindu-Buddhist. The adoption was done because wayang already attached to the Javanese to become an excellent medium for spreading the propaganda of Islam, while Islam prohibits any form of art. As a result, shadow puppets created where people can only see shadows.
Leather puppet played by a man who would be called the public's greatest entertainer in the world. How not, during the night, the mastermind behind the whole character actor playing shadow puppets which are the puppets made of buffalo skin decorated with inlaid decoration crafts motif (carved leather). He had to change the character of the sound, intonation changed, removing jokes and even sing. To turn the atmosphere, aided by puppeteer who plays gamelan musicians and sinden who sing Javanese songs.
Puppet characters in a whole number in the hundreds. The puppets that are not played in a banana is placed in close proximity to the mastermind. When played, the puppets will appear as shadows on a white screen in front of the mastermind. The shadow is created for each puppet show using oil lamps for lighting that helps reflecting the puppets being played.
Each puppet presents a different story or play. Variety of play is divided into four categories: grip play, play carangan, play spin and play writing. The play has a grip on the story entirely sourced library carangan puppet theater while in outline only, which comes on the library puppet. The play did not stem from spin-puppet story but using the appropriate places in the library puppets, while the play is entirely off the essay.
Puppet story rooted in some old books such as Ramayana, Mahabharata, King Library and Purwakanda Purwa. Now, there are also books containing the story and essay composition for hundreds of years has been appreciated by the public Abhimanyu Kerem, Doraweca, Suryatmaja Maling and so on. Among all the old books were used, the Book of Purwakanda is the most commonly used by the puppeteers of the Sultan's Palace. Leather puppet puppeteer begins when the mountains have been issued. An all-night puppet Yogyakarta style is divided into three rounds which has 7 rows (scene) and 7 scenes of war. The first round, called pathet lasem, has 3 rows and 2 scenes that accompanied the war-gending gending pathet lasem. Pathet Sanga the second half has two rows and two scenes of war, while the Pathet Manura the third round has 2 rows and 3 scenes of war. One of the most anticipated lots of people on each puppet is present because of the Javanese jokes.
Sasono Hinggil located in the north plaza of South Square is the most frequent events held all-night wayang performances, usually held every second and fourth weeks starting at 21.00 pm. The other place is Sri Maganti, located in the Sultan's Palace. Puppet on the ward was performed for 2 hours starting at 10:00 am every Saturday with tickets USD 5000.00.
Puppet show is a performance art that has been more than half a millennium. Emergence has its own story, related to the entry of Javanese Islam. One member of the Wali Songo created by adopting Wayang Beber that developed in the heyday of the Hindu-Buddhist. The adoption was done because wayang already attached to the Javanese to become an excellent medium for spreading the propaganda of Islam, while Islam prohibits any form of art. As a result, shadow puppets created where people can only see shadows.
Leather puppet played by a man who would be called the public's greatest entertainer in the world. How not, during the night, the mastermind behind the whole character actor playing shadow puppets which are the puppets made of buffalo skin decorated with inlaid decoration crafts motif (carved leather). He had to change the character of the sound, intonation changed, removing jokes and even sing. To turn the atmosphere, aided by puppeteer who plays gamelan musicians and sinden who sing Javanese songs.
Puppet characters in a whole number in the hundreds. The puppets that are not played in a banana is placed in close proximity to the mastermind. When played, the puppets will appear as shadows on a white screen in front of the mastermind. The shadow is created for each puppet show using oil lamps for lighting that helps reflecting the puppets being played.
Each puppet presents a different story or play. Variety of play is divided into four categories: grip play, play carangan, play spin and play writing. The play has a grip on the story entirely sourced library carangan puppet theater while in outline only, which comes on the library puppet. The play did not stem from spin-puppet story but using the appropriate places in the library puppets, while the play is entirely off the essay.
Puppet story rooted in some old books such as Ramayana, Mahabharata, King Library and Purwakanda Purwa. Now, there are also books containing the story and essay composition for hundreds of years has been appreciated by the public Abhimanyu Kerem, Doraweca, Suryatmaja Maling and so on. Among all the old books were used, the Book of Purwakanda is the most commonly used by the puppeteers of the Sultan's Palace. Leather puppet puppeteer begins when the mountains have been issued. An all-night puppet Yogyakarta style is divided into three rounds which has 7 rows (scene) and 7 scenes of war. The first round, called pathet lasem, has 3 rows and 2 scenes that accompanied the war-gending gending pathet lasem. Pathet Sanga the second half has two rows and two scenes of war, while the Pathet Manura the third round has 2 rows and 3 scenes of war. One of the most anticipated lots of people on each puppet is present because of the Javanese jokes.
Sasono Hinggil located in the north plaza of South Square is the most frequent events held all-night wayang performances, usually held every second and fourth weeks starting at 21.00 pm. The other place is Sri Maganti, located in the Sultan's Palace. Puppet on the ward was performed for 2 hours starting at 10:00 am every Saturday with tickets USD 5000.00.
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