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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Original Batik Pekalongan

That said, the origin of Pekalongan batik has been around since around the 1800's. This is confirmed by the data recorded on the Ministry stating that in 1802 there has been Pekalongan batik-patterned dress material for a small tree. However, significant developments are estimated to occur in 1925-1839 after a major war in the kingdom of Mataram are often referred to by war or war Diponegoro Java. In the war many of the nobles left the royal palace. They spread to other areas in eastern Java as Mojokerto, Tulungagung, Gresik, Surabaya and Madura. And, some are spread to the west of the kingdom of Mataram as Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal, Cirebon, and Pekalongan. In these places they are not only evades the Netherlands, but also to develop the arts that exist only in the first palace, the batik.