Semarangan dance is typical dance of Semarang is danced by two daughters pairs. Dance is often displayed in the event-event such as a traditional pocket Bodag and the festival is now developed by the Faculty of Letters, University of Diponegoro Semarang. This art is a blend of dance to the accompaniment of musical instruments from wood planks and Javanese gamelan commonly called "Gambang". Appear in certain events: Festival Bodag, Snack Market Festival. Gambang Semarang has been around since 1930 with a form of association whose membership consists of indigenous and Peranakan Chinese with performances taking place at the building meeting on Gang Bian Tiong Hian Edge. This type of instrument used is the drums, bonang, kempul, gongs, flutes, kecrek, xylophone and stringed instrument (konghayan / tohyan / violin). Besides the music there is a dancer and singer / vocalist.
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