Central Java is a province of Indonesia, located in the central part of Java Island. This province borders the province of West Java to the west, the Indian Ocean and Yogyakarta in the south, East Java in the east, and the Java Sea to the north. Its area is 32 548 km ², or approximately 25.04% of the island of Java. Central Java province also includes the island of Nusakambangan in the south (near the border of West Java), and Karimun Islands Java in the Java Sea.
Central Java sense geographically and culturally sometimes also includes the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Central Java is known as the "heart" of Javanese culture. Nevertheless in this province there are also other ethnic groups who have different cultures like Javanese Sundanese in West Java border. In addition there are also Chinese-Indonesian citizens, Arab-India-Indonesia and Indonesia are scattered throughout the province.
Central Java sense geographically and culturally sometimes also includes the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Central Java is known as the "heart" of Javanese culture. Nevertheless in this province there are also other ethnic groups who have different cultures like Javanese Sundanese in West Java border. In addition there are also Chinese-Indonesian citizens, Arab-India-Indonesia and Indonesia are scattered throughout the province.
- Culture Sekaten Jogja
- Kris meaning in Javanese Culture
- Batik Indonesia History and Philosophy
- Surakarta royal palace
- The Piece Of Java
- Mengenal Budaya dan Sejarah Wayang Golek
- Batik History of East Java
- History of Batik Solo
- Original Batik Pekalongan
- Sintren Adalan Traditional Javanese Dance Arts
- Semarangan dance
- Traditional Balinese Dance
- Dance Lengger Wonosobo
- Javanese Shadow Puppet Works
- Bandungan region
- Tourism Baturaden
- Gedong Songo temple
- Sam Poo Kong temple
- Hot water baths ( GUCI )
- Prambanan
- Curug Sewu