Baturaden is a natural tourist attraction located in Banyumas, Central Java. Baturaden is located in the northern city of Noida right on the slopes south of Mount Slamet. Because of its location on the slopes make the area has a cool air and tend to be very cold especially at night.
Baturaden can be reached by private or public. Distance of Navan town about 20 km and can be reached in 15 minutes with the traffic that is not too dense. If you want to use public transport tourists can ride the public transportation from the terminal on and off at the terminal Purwokerto lokawisata Baturaden. If tourists want to be more practical to use a taxi. If you decide to use a private vehicle, you should be careful because the road is uphill with a slope of about 30 degrees. Interesting attractions found in Baturaden include: Pitu shower Baturaden Hot spring baths containing sulfur. Believed to cure various skin diseases. Located next to the shower Telu. Shower Telu Hot spring baths containing sulfur. Believed to cure various skin diseases. Located next to the shower Pitu. Campgrounds A camping ground which is often used by nature lovers and connoisseurs out bond activity. Ever digunkan as the venue for the National Scout Jamboree in Indonesia in 2001. Kaloka Widya Mandala Parks Widya Mandala Kaloka Baturraden or Wanasuka Baturraden Tourism Education is a zoo as well as educational attractions inaugurated by Regent Regional Level II Banyumas H. Djoko Sudantoko on 17 May 1995. This place never get achievements as Visit Indonesia Decade 1991-2000 in Coronation Gift of Travel in Central Java and Yogyakarta, Semarang on August 23, 1996.
In the Garden Kaloka Baturraden Widya Mandala there are different kinds of animals that come from within and from abroad as from Australia, Asia and the Netherlands. The collection includes: Beef five feet, three-legged goat, elephant, monkey (Buing), Guinea crocodile, pythons, Kaswari, Monkey, Porcupine, Iguana, Paradise, Bats, Kate Chicken, Chicken Pearls, Orang Utan, Scaly-breasted Falcon, Deer. In this place there is also a Museum of Rare Wildlife, such as the Sumatran Tiger, Honey Bear, and Tiger Dahan.
Baturaden can be reached by private or public. Distance of Navan town about 20 km and can be reached in 15 minutes with the traffic that is not too dense. If you want to use public transport tourists can ride the public transportation from the terminal on and off at the terminal Purwokerto lokawisata Baturaden. If tourists want to be more practical to use a taxi. If you decide to use a private vehicle, you should be careful because the road is uphill with a slope of about 30 degrees. Interesting attractions found in Baturaden include: Pitu shower Baturaden Hot spring baths containing sulfur. Believed to cure various skin diseases. Located next to the shower Telu. Shower Telu Hot spring baths containing sulfur. Believed to cure various skin diseases. Located next to the shower Pitu. Campgrounds A camping ground which is often used by nature lovers and connoisseurs out bond activity. Ever digunkan as the venue for the National Scout Jamboree in Indonesia in 2001. Kaloka Widya Mandala Parks Widya Mandala Kaloka Baturraden or Wanasuka Baturraden Tourism Education is a zoo as well as educational attractions inaugurated by Regent Regional Level II Banyumas H. Djoko Sudantoko on 17 May 1995. This place never get achievements as Visit Indonesia Decade 1991-2000 in Coronation Gift of Travel in Central Java and Yogyakarta, Semarang on August 23, 1996.
In the Garden Kaloka Baturraden Widya Mandala there are different kinds of animals that come from within and from abroad as from Australia, Asia and the Netherlands. The collection includes: Beef five feet, three-legged goat, elephant, monkey (Buing), Guinea crocodile, pythons, Kaswari, Monkey, Porcupine, Iguana, Paradise, Bats, Kate Chicken, Chicken Pearls, Orang Utan, Scaly-breasted Falcon, Deer. In this place there is also a Museum of Rare Wildlife, such as the Sumatran Tiger, Honey Bear, and Tiger Dahan.
- Culture Sekaten Jogja
- Kris meaning in Javanese Culture
- Batik Indonesia History and Philosophy
- Surakarta royal palace
- The Piece Of Java
- Mengenal Budaya dan Sejarah Wayang Golek
- Batik History of East Java
- History of Batik Solo
- Original Batik Pekalongan
- Sintren Adalan Traditional Javanese Dance Arts
- Semarangan dance
- Traditional Balinese Dance
- Dance Lengger Wonosobo
- Javanese Shadow Puppet Works
- Bandungan region
- Gedong Songo temple
- Sam Poo Kong temple
- Hot water baths ( GUCI )
- Prambanan
- Curug Sewu
- Tourism in Central Java