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Thursday, March 13, 2025


Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia. Located on the island of Java, about 20 km east of Yogyakarta, 40 km west of Surakarta and Semarang 120 km south, just on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta.

Prambanan temple was built in about the year 850 AD by one of these two, namely Rakai Pikatan (King of the Mataram dynasty I) or Balitung Maha Sambu during Sanjaya dynasty. Not long after being built, the temple was abandoned and deteriorating.

Renovation of this temple began in 1918 after being found by the CA. Lons a Dutch national, later in 1855, Jan Willem Ijzerman start cleaning up and move some rocks and soil from the chambers of the temple. some time later Isaac Groneman perform large-scale demolition and temple stones were piled haphazardly along the Opak. In 1902-1903, Theodoor van Erp keep parts prone to collapse. In the years 1918-1926, followed by the Bureau of Antiquities (Oudheidkundige Dienst) under PJ Perquin in a more methodical and systematic, known as the predecessor to the removal and demolition of thousands of rock without thinking of the restoration effort in 1926 kembali.Pada De Haan continued until his death in 1930. In 1931 was replaced by Ir. V.R. Van Romondt up in 1942 and then submitted the leadership of the son of Indonesia's renovation and continued until 1993, and until now has not been completed. A temple will only be restored when at least 75% of the original stone is still there. Therefore, many small temples which was rebuilt and it just seemed foundation. Now, this temple is a world heritage site protected by UNESCO since 1991.