Jar is a hot spring which is the attraction petilasan Sunan Gunungjati in spreading Islam in Indonesia. According to public confidence, Sunan Gunung teak never left a jar of water that can be utilized by the public, but it was until now the people believe the efficacy and benefits of one of them is able to cure various diseases.
This attraction is a true spa which has clear water, clean and odorless, located at the foot of Mount Slamet with a height of about 1050 m above sea level. Distance attraction of hot spring town tegal jars about 47 km to the south, or toward the town of Navan, can be reached by public transport such as buses. Available facilities include accommodation, swimming pool and a hot water bath of hot water open.
This attraction is a true spa which has clear water, clean and odorless, located at the foot of Mount Slamet with a height of about 1050 m above sea level. Distance attraction of hot spring town tegal jars about 47 km to the south, or toward the town of Navan, can be reached by public transport such as buses. Available facilities include accommodation, swimming pool and a hot water bath of hot water open.
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